Just getting up the confidence for this first step was a big deal. In my early days of pinup my hair was never curled as I was still figuring out what worked for my hair and I rarely wore red lipstick (I found the idea of a bold lip SO scary!). So I’d wear just a retro dress with maybe matching shoes. When I first started I focused on just the clothes, namely dresses as I couldn’t even begin to face skirts and tops and the coordinating of the two. When I first wanted to get into dressing pinup, I found it really overwhelming. All retro girls have been through that cycle! Please let yourself be a beginner and take things slow! Don’t overload yourself and let yourself have your failures as well as your triumphs because we’ve all had them. Being a beginner is tricky, especially with vintage when there is so much to learn and understand: hair, makeup, styling, underpinnings, accessories, etc.

Social media is also a bit of a ‘highlight reel’ of people’s lives so you don’t necessarily see the things that don’t go so well. We’ve all had the cycle of working out what works for us, what aspects of vintage styling we enjoy and having been afforded the time to nail our look.

Me as a baby pinup in 2012 and me now in 2017Įspecially now days in the world of social media where we are often only greeted with images of ladies who have been doing retro for years! So I wanted to break down my top 10 tips for beginner pinups that I wish I’d been told when I started, as it can be daunting at first!
#Pinupgirls 2017 full#
But recently, as I recovered from surgery it highlighted just how much effort I put into my overall look (there was a period of a few days there my hair didn’t even see a brush to be honest) and reiterated to me why this can be so daunting to ladies who are new to retro or wanting to start working towards a vintage wardrobe whether that be sometimes, part time or full time. Having been a full time retro girl for a number of years now, it can be easy for me to forget what it was like as a beginner, especially when my routine is so ingrained in my lifestyle now days.