

The only problem with this is that at least on my model you have to log out and back in to switch graphics cards. This was a cool enhancement and nice that they give you a choice. On the other hand if I switch over to the NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT with 512MB of RAM, my video will render much more quickly but my battery life will suffer as a result. In my case, the on board is an NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with 256MB of RAM, so if I use that card, my graphics will be slower but my battery life will be better. A while back Apple got the idea of having both an onboard graphics card and a dedicated graphics card. If you have one of the MacBook Pros with two graphics cards you’re really going to like this tip. I finally found a forum on where a guy explained that they STILL didn’t have PivotTable Charts in Excel 2011, so I guess they never were in Excel for Mac. Now I’m wondering wether they took it out in Office 2009 and I’m so late to the party I missed the furor and everyone is over it by now? If anyone has any thoughts on this I’d sure be interested in finding out where my pivot table charts ran off to! I don’t understand this – if they eliminated it, shouldn’t there at least be people going berserk about it? I found nothing. Ok, time for some random googling – and all I found was MY tweet from earlier in the evening. Ok, it’s time for drastic measures, I went to the Microsoft Excel 2011 website and couldn’t find it there either. I sure wouldn’t say that about all programs! My trusty help failed me though, no mention of pivot table charts. One thing I’ve always said is that Microsoft does REALLY good documentation for Excel, 99 times out of 100 I find exactly what I was looking for by going to the help file. responded to my tweets but he couldn’t find anything about the missing pivot table charts either.


I tweeted out that I was stuck, and while I awaited responses, I read through the help documentation. So I popped open Excel 2011, and while I could make a lovely PivotTable, I couldn’t find any buttons to push that would make a chart, other than regular charts. I’m not a huge user of pivot table charts, but they have their use and I had planned on learning more about them. The idea is that you can drag the elements of a pivot table into a chart rather than having to calculate the values separately before charting. You might have heard me talk about pivot tables before, let me know George if you’d like me to go over them again, but there’s another cool feature in Excel called PivotTable Charts. George from Tulsa asked me specifically if I could talk a little bit more about Excel 2011, he said he didn’t get enough of it the last time I talked about it.

istopmotion istopmotion

Costs you nuthin extra but helps defray the costs of creating the show. We’ve got a great show today, I’m especially excited about Chit Chat Across the Pond with Shai Yammanee – you’re in for a real treat! Before we dig in, if you’re shopping at Amazon anyway for this holiday season, it would sure be swell if you’d use the link/search window in the upper left sidebar on to do it because a small percentage of your purchase goes to benefit the show. Today is Sunday December 5th, 2010 and this is show number 289. Listen to the Podcast Once (1 hour 20 minutes) In Chit Chat Across the Pond performing artist Shai Yammanee of joins us to talk about the tools he uses in photography, video and audio recording. iStopMotion review from including Bastian Wolfe’s hysterical video and my 1 second stop motion movie. Accessible Mind Sweeper from Programar a ciegas at No PivotTable Charts in Excel 2011, Kirschen Seah gives us her Add Prefix String Automator action at.
